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3 posts tagged with "cdk"

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· 6 min read
Luis Silva

Create a simple approach using ECS improving on our previous solution using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

If you're following our blog posts chronologically, you'll see I've made a blunder in the past of trying to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk to support 2 Nodejs web apps in the same instance. (see here). This blog post aims at providing a simple alternative using another AWS compute service, Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Let's get into it!

· 6 min read
Luis Silva

And how we figured out it was not the right choice for us

TLDR: If you want multiple apps running separately in an EC2 instance, with some managed properties (Load balancer, health monitoring, etc). Elastic Beanstalk is NOT the way to go.

At Remote Flags, I was in charge of setting up the infrastructure for a small service to facilitate demoing the main application to interested people.

As we're a small team, and budget is tight, I figured I would use a single "non-critical infrastructure" server; this would contain small tools that, if they went down, wouldn't impact the overall availability of our service.

· 4 min read
Miguel Sousa

A step-by-step configuration for a cognito user pool using CDK.

  • CDK is an open-source framework that allows you to express cloud infra-structure using code. More on CDK
  • Cognito is an AWS service that allows you to create user pools to manage user accounts and login flows. More on Cognito
  • As of February 2022 versions used in this guide are
"typescript": "~3.9.7",
"aws-cdk-lib": "2.10.0"